Vitamin B complex multivitamin supplement is pivotalfor the maternal health and the overall wellbeing of the developing foetus during pregnancy. These supplements as B Complex Tablet, comprises eightessential water-soluble vitamins in form of B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), B7 (Biotin), B9 (Folate), and B12 (Cobalamin). Each vitamin B has a unique role in energy production, red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, nerve function and brain development that ensures healthy pregnancy.
Indian diets are rich in carbohydrates but often lackessential nutrient content, leading to deficiencies in Vitamin B complex multivitamin that can even cause complications includinganaemia, defects in neural tubes, nausea and low birth weight. Pregnant woman who are lactose intolerant or follow vegetarian diets are more likely to be at
risk of having nutritional deficiencies. But these nutritional deficiencies can
be easily filled by taking supplements containing vitamin B complex.
To fill these gaps, pregnancy supplement such as Trimacare is specially developed for Indian pregnantwoman, addressing specific nutritional needs of each pregnancy trimester. Trimacare B Complex Tablet is a one pill solution with naturalplant-based ingredients that meets all pregnancy nutritional demands with one pill , avoiding need of multiple pills. Trimacare is available both online and offline, simplifying the healthy pregnancy journey.